Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vocab Workshop Level C Unit 8 Answers

" Others around another gift " : Marathon to Marathon

In the flood of Cremona places the third leg in a row and close 1h34'36 " improving my old PB by almost 4 minutes ..
Sometimes even on days that herald poor are able to extract a few gems that fit in the category "good memories".
After a week to monitor the weather forecast that predicts the storm, with a head full of bad thoughts and worries, I still dressed up with a Sunday performance unexpected time clock, a race full of good feeling and a pleasant -forum point before the start .. the difficult conditions they were pushing me to write something more??
I can not post the GPS data because it has found the right path (the signal ..) only the fourth miles, but this time I think it is only a problem because my, I noticed that other runners were engaged in fighting with their electronic gadgets ... and then, at least this time for 17km me company ..
However, after the usual slow start due to confusion, I queued to runner Milan 6-7 Group Michetta ( .. if I remember correctly) to have rhythm and companionship. The plotoncino traveling at a good pace at around 4'30 "-35" / km, a pity that sometimes get lost in conversation on the road and let a few seconds here and there that makes me consider the idea to go alone .. But the difficult conditions and the desire not to overreach pushes me to stay covered for a few more km ..
From 12th to 17th live my time as a lion head and placed me in the crew for a few miles, I have good feelings and travel around 4'20 "/ km (maybe less ..) my idea was to retrieve seconds left here and there, the risk of losing comrades travel does not arise because there are a couple that " itchy legs" and the previous rate agreements only to accent the team ..
After this break the group, who by then had swelled to some units, began to crumble, the two first-place above and shove on some partial fear, it will go towards the finish lonely, I stepping stone to their only companion who had attempted an answer and with the heart that now pushes to go out, sketched a final extension, sliding on salitina made impracticable by the end so much water fall and complete wet our labor ..

photo of some guys before the start of "stolen" in

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Black Lump On Dog's Tail

Cremona Italy: sprint (30km)

Subtitle: The Garmin is taking me x c.. o!

Just like the Marcialonga GPS leaves me a few minutes before the start, dies in the climax ... yeah, it was charged, if that was the question, had worked until Sunday morning just before the start, then once the void left from the hotel, then goes out, not again, back to the room to put it back on charge but nothing .. among other things, so arriving in the start area about twenty minutes before the start and lose the chance to meet the guys from the popular forum on the eve, so the nervousness increases exponentially ..
Without references do not have parameters to judge my race, I looked at the site Championchip and I saw that after a brilliant half are dropped in the last 9km, maybe I am made to take some 'from the path fast this marathon, which I think is perfect, if race with intelligence, to meet their goals chronometric .. But I do not blame anything, running without knowing his own pace for 30km is tough, you always have the possibility of "going bust", you do not know whether to force or maintain, you do not have the numbers on which to rely when fatigue salt ..
The final was RT 2h25'17 "(4'50" / km) is not a distance over which I have so many previous and probably 30km were "abundant", but I think that it is not never gone so fast over a distance like that ..
I'd like to say that this will be my (future) marathon pace, but at the moment would be a huge *** in about because I still have some doubt about whether you can keep for another 12km .. and, honestly, location, weather etc.. etc.. everything was perfect, you could not ask for more, when I happen ..

great effort and pictures do not even seem that I'm running .........

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bb Gun Desert Eagle Metal

A Sunday ... Rock!

I do not like too much Deejay Ten However, as anticipated in the previous post, I want to put some chest for fun and this lent itself well. Milan is close enough, the whole family participated in the Five and was for some time that I tested on the 10km .. okay so I do the usual traffic jam at the start you mover and a side dish a bit 'poor in the sense that there are races less rich in terms of numbers and not as "fashion " but you give some more service , better restaurants and some "runner Sunday " less ..
My race ended in 43'19 "RT , below my steps each km:

Time Intermediate

.. and also my best performance on the distance to be improved since there was an old 47 ' "Low" ..
Although the time has come to the thicker end where I managed to "steal" a photo of the great Aldo Rock .. " go man! "